Security is a priority at the school, and the safety of students and personnel is regarded carefully at all times. All students are issued with identity cards that need to be brought to school every day, as access to the school campus is restricted.
Call-out system
Should a civil disturbance or any other emergency occur, K&Q's telephone call-out system will inform parents if the school is closed and there will also be details of arrangements on this website. Should an emergency situation occur during school hours, students will be kept on campus and supervised until parents can collect them.
School intercom system
The school has a sophisticated intercom system. Intercom is provided in every room allowing communication from the Head of School and Head of Security.
K&Q's Mission is to develop the whole person as a responsible learner striving for personal excellence within a culturally diverse school. To support the Mission, the Board adopted a set of strategic policies to guide the Board's decision-making as follows:
It is the Board's expectation that the Strategic Plan will help K&Q further build on its existing strengths; that it will provide the impetus for the School to continue its focus on achieving its mission, and that it will help the School to further grow its enrolment in line with the school's Marketing Plan, which is being prepared in parallel to the Strategic Plan.
To best support the School's Mission, the Strategic Plan is build around three pillars:
Community Service is an integral part of student learning at K&Q. As global citizens students are more aware of issues which call for more participation in not only understanding but contributing in numerous ways. The aim of community service is for students to learn and address these issues whilst contributing to the betterment of the community as well as themselves.
Our goal this year is to make service learning more relevant and part of the classroom education. This will make service learning a more effective learning experience and have an overall impact on the cumulative experience on both those who are involved in serving and those who are served.
Kings & Queens International School has started in collaboration with TATA class edge. Its innovative and comprehensive solution is designed to help teachers deliver high quality instruction, with an effective blend of class room activities and interactive multimedia emonstrations. The TATA interactive system aims to enhance students, social and thinking skills along with ensuring a thorough understanding of the curriculum content.
Key Features